Media Permissions

Media Permissions allows you to limit users permissions on Media Library. User Role Editor injects some custom capabilities to control users permissions.

These new capabilities will be available as part of the Media box in the role add/edit page.

WPFront Capabilities

edit_attachments: This capability is required to edit files existing within the media library. If a user doesn’t have the “edit_attachment” capability, then that user won’t be able to edit files in the media library.

delete_attachments: This capability is required to delete files existing within the media library.

read_others_attachments: This capability allows you to limit a user from accessing other user’s media files. If a user doesn’t have the “read_others_attachments” capability, then that user won’t be able to see files created by other users once they login.

edit_others_attachments: This capability is required to edit attachments/media files uploaded by other users.

delete_others_attachments: This capability is required to delete attachments/media files uploaded by other users.

Media Permission capabilities functionality is a PRO feature. These capabilities will still appear in the free version for backward compatibility. But enabling or disabling this capability doesn’t make any difference in the free version.

#PRO feature

WordPress Capabilities

upload_files: Enables permission to “Media” and “Media > Add New”. Since v2.0

unfiltered_upload: This capability is not available to any role by default (including Super Admins). The capability needs to be enabled by defining the following constant in wp-config.
With this constant defined, all roles on a single site install can be given the unfiltered_upload capability, but only Super Admins can be given the capability on a Multisite install. Since v2.3

See Also

“read_others” Capabilities.