To add a new taxonomy, click on the “Add New” button on the “Taxonomies” screen.
Basic Settings
Name – This value is used by WordPress to identify this taxonomy.
Plural Label – Label to represent multiple items.
Singular label – Label to represent a single item.
Post Types – Post types assigned to this taxonomy.
Additional Labels
These are the different labels used by WordPress to display the taxonomy in UI. Mouse over the help icon to know about each field.
You can auto populate these values from singular and plural labels by clicking on the “Auto Populate Labels” button.
Advanced Settings
Public – Whether the taxonomy is intended for all users use or for internal use.
Hierarchical – You will be able to set a parent term to the terms created under this taxonomy, like Categories.
Publicaly Queryable – Whether the taxonomy is queryable from the front-end request.
Show UI – Whether to create a UI in wp-admin to manage terms for the taxonomy.
Show in Menu – Whether to display a wp-admin menu item.
Show in Nav Menus – Whether to display the taxonomy items in navigation menu editor.
Show in REST – Whether to include the taxonomy in REST API. This must be true for the “block editor” to work.
REST Base – Slug used in REST URL.
REST Controller Class – PHP class used for REST controller.
Show Tagcloud – Whether to list the taxonomy in Tag Cloud Widget controls.
Show in Quick Edit – Whether to display the taxonomy in quick/bulk edit panel.
Show Admin Column – Whether to display the taxonomy as a column in post listing table.
Query Var – Query string variable to be used to identify the taxonomy.
Rewrite – Whether to rewrite the taxonomy URL.
Rewrite Slug – Rewrite slug to be used in URL.
Rewrite With Front – Whether to prepend with the “front” variable value.
Rewrite Hierarchical – If it’s a hierarchical rewrite tag.
Rewrite EP Mask – Rewrite mask value to be used.
Capability Settings
Customize Capabilities – Whether to customize the capabilities for this taxonomy. You can also provide a capability slug.
Taxonomy capability settings.
#PRO feature