Taxonomies UI

Use the “Taxonomies” screen to manage the taxonomies in your WordPress site, including default taxonomies and custom taxonomies.

Access the taxonomies screen using the “Taxonomies” menu item under “Roles”.

“category”, “post_format” and “post_tag” are WordPress default taxonomies and you are not allowed to delete them.

WordPress default taxonomies

The list table on the taxonomies screen will display all the taxonomies exist in your WordPress site.


Name – This is the name used by WordPress to identify this taxonomy.

Label – Used by WordPress to display this taxonomy.

Source – The source of the taxonomy. Possible values are the following.

  • Built-in – This is a default/built-in taxonomy in WordPress.
  • Other – This taxonomy was created by a plugin/theme.
  • User Defined – This taxonomy was created from this screen.

Post Types – The list of post types assigned to this taxonomy.

Active – Whether this taxonomy is active in your site.

Edited – Whether the taxonomy is edited from this screen or from other places like customize capabilities in role add/edit screen.

Row Actions

Edit – Click on the “Edit” link to edit the taxonomy.

Clone – Allows you to copy the settings to a new taxonomy.

Delete – To delete the taxonomy from your WordPress site.

Restore – You can restore edited taxonomies to it’s original state by restoring it.

Deactivate – Allows you to remove the taxonomy from your site without deleting it.

Activate – To reactivate a deactivated taxonomy.