Add New Role

To add a new role in your WordPress site, click on the “Add New” menu item under “Roles” or click on the “Add New” button within the “All Roles” screen. This will open the “Add New Role” screen.

Provide a “Display Name” for the role. “Role Name” will be auto populated, but you can also manually edit it. Once the role is created, you can not change the “Role Name”.

By default the “Allow Caps View” is selected. Any capability you select within the allowed capabilities view, will be allowed for that role. You can switch to the denied capabilities view by clicking on the “Deny Caps View” button. Any capability you select within the denied capabilities view, will be denied for that role. Denied capabilities have higher precedence over allowed capabilities in WordPress. Denied capabilities label will be displayed using strikethrough, to easily identify them.

Any capability which is not selected in “Allow Caps View” or “Deny Caps View” will inherit permissions from other roles assigned to the same user.

If you see a capability which is displayed using a red colored label, then that capability’s functionality is not enabled in your WordPress installation. You will have to upgrade to a pro version to enable that functionality.

Red colored capability.

#PRO feature

Click on the help icon next to the capability label to know more about a capability. If you do not see the help icon next to a capability label, then that capability is created by a plugin/theme and help is not available.

Use the “Copy from” dropdown to copy capabilities from a different role. Use the “Select All” and “Select None” buttons to select or deselect all capabilities.

Capability section against Post Types and Taxonomies might display a label instead of a list of capabilities. This means those Post Types and Taxonomies use default capability values. Post Types usually uses “Posts” or “Pages” capabilities and Taxonomies use “manage_categories” capability. You can customize their capabilities by providing a capability slug. To customize capabilities, click on the “Customize Capabilities” link, which will open a popup. For Post Types, you can give a single or a “singular, plural” capability slug. And for Taxonomies, a single capability slug. “Customize Capabilities” functionality is only available in pro versions.

Customizing capabilities.

#PRO feature

Once you customize a Post Type or a Taxonomy, they will be marked as edited in Post Types screen or Taxonomies screen. To remove customization, restore the Post Type or Taxonomy from the Post Types or Taxonomies screen.